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The balance of heart and mind in financial contentment

Navigating the intricate dance of financial planning is not just a cerebral affair; it’s a delicate blend of the analytical mind and the intuitive heart. Money, often viewed through the lens of cold numbers and stark figures, is deeply intertwined with the warm weavings of our emotions and dreams. It demands a symphony of technical skill and emotional intelligence—a symphony that, when played right, can lead to profound financial contentment. The sage words of Maya Angelou […]

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Don’t bank on it being the bank…

How to Recognize and Respond to Email Fraud In a world increasingly reliant on digital communication, email fraud has become a pervasive threat, with scammers employing sophisticated tactics to compromise personal and professional email accounts. They often cloak their schemes behind the names of established brands, sowing confusion and exploiting trust. Cybercriminals frequently target the trusted names of our main banking institutions, capitalising (quite literally…) on their reputations to create a veneer of legitimacy. These impostors […]

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Finding playtime in your planning

When we think of financial planning, things can get serious way too fast — a far cry from the carefree essence of playtime. However, the principle of play, fundamental to the way children learn and explore, retains its instructive power well into adulthood. Play isn’t just a frivolous pastime; it’s a sophisticated exercise in simulation and experimentation, a vital component of human learning and adaptability. In the realm of integrated financial planning, play can be assimilated […]

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Your assets should fulfil your ‘why’

Financial planning, for most people, brings to mind a labyrinth of paperwork and the perpetual agony of tracking every dime and dollar. It’s no surprise, then, that this often leads to analysis paralysis.  Author Carl Richards (mentioned in a recent blog) cuts through this complexity, suggesting that the core of effective financial planning can, in fact, be summarised on a single sheet of paper. According to Richards, this one-page plan can serve as your guiding North […]

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Time, the ultimate wealth-building asset

The secret of wealth-building that often goes unnoticed is not just how we manage our money, but how we manage our time.  Time is a finite resource. Once we spend it, we can’t get it back.  Learning how to leverage time effectively can distinguish you as a top performer, and as someone who truly understands what it takes to build lasting wealth. A recent encounter with a successful business mentor illuminated the true value of time […]

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Closing the Behavior Gap: Navigating emotional money mistakes and asset allocation

How often have you found yourself making impulsive decisions about your investments based on headlines or peer pressure? Maybe you’ve even shifted your entire asset allocation because of these emotions.  If this sounds familiar, you’re far from alone.  Carl Richards, in his groundbreaking book “The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money,” taps into this pervasive psychology, breaking it down for us in layman’s terms. Richards coined the term “Behavior Gap” to […]

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Rewiring your financial mindset (II)

Socratic Questioning and Guided Imagery In our previous blog, we discussed how cognitive distortions can influence your decision-making, emotions, and, ultimately, your financial well-being. In this one, we’re diving deeper into specific techniques that can help you combat these distortions: Socratic Questioning and Guided Imagery. These tools not only help in mental health but can also be applied to reframe how you approach your financial life. Socratic Questioning: Unearthing Financial Illusions If you ever took a […]

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Costs, Delays, and Challenges of Estate Administration

The emotional toll of losing a loved one leaves us unprepared for the logistical labyrinth that follows: the administration of their estate. Navigating this complex process can feel like a second loss, rife with hidden costs, legal hurdles, and unexpected delays. With the insights from this blog, you’ll be better equipped to navigate these challenges. Understanding the Legal Framework First and foremost, get familiar with your jurisdiction’s laws governing estate administration. These laws set the guidelines […]

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Down with debt!

Debt can be overwhelming, often feeling like a never-ending battle against numbers that just won’t budge. It’s not just your bank balance that takes a hit; it’s your mental well-being, too. If you’ve been struggling with the emotional and psychological toll of financial instability, you’re not alone—and there’s hope. In the upcoming blogs, we’re going to integrate powerful cognitive tools like Socratic Questioning and Guided Imagery with actionable financial advice. Our goal? To help you reclaim […]

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Balancing emotions and risk in asset allocation

Investing can be likened to the ancient Chinese concept of Yin and Yang, where opposing forces are interdependent and complementary. In the realm of investments, this duality might be expressed through the delicate balance between emotions and risk in asset allocation. Just as Yin and Yang represent harmony, understanding how these elements interact can lead to a more serene and successful investment journey. The emotional side of investing is often driven by intuition, sentiment, and gut […]

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